
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A reply to Tigay has there options for its survival

These is one of the replie given to the post i posted earlier [from and you can follow the full story by Clicking Here

If you weren’t delusional, and if you indeed ever lived in any part of Oromia, you would know that Oromo’s mortal enemy is Woyanes, and by extension Tigrians. Thanks to Woyanes, the poison you tried to spread against the Amharu has completely reversed and come back at you Tigrians. Now, whenever the is any sort of problem in any of the villages or towns or cities, the first place residents look at is the Tigrians. No matter how much your cadres and paid turncoats try to blame things on the “Amharu” Tigrians and Woyanes are the first suspects. This instinct has taken over in all ethnic groups..and why not? The Amharu scapegoating technique has long been seen for what it is: A tool for Tigrians to rule all over Ethiopia.
What you fail to realize is that your Woyanes (your greed) has turned _everybody_ against you. This is an amazing feat considering the amount of effort you have tried to blame the Amharus. It has been two decades now and in these times you have accomplished nothing but isolating the Tigrian people. Your focus should have been in developing the country, distributing power and implementing some sort of democracy. But you were so mortally terrified of the Amharus that you lost this real chance to make for a better country. You lost it long ago. The Tigrian people by and large are not to blame for this, what goes around comes around.
Think. Where do you have friends? The Amharus and Hamassens were the closest to you in terms of your own ethnic game. Even Amharic and Tigrigna are cousins. You have squandered that by making enemies with the entire Amharu population (instead of the elite). And Abay-Tigray? Who are you kidding? At best, if that ever happens, you will be second class citizens expected to do domestic work. It wasn’t the Amharu that called you Lementi, beles shekati, awraja Agame etc. Are you really dim enough to put Abay-Tigray as an option? I will bet that majority of the Eritrean population sees Tigrians as inferior.
So where to next? Oromos. Every evidence suggests, undoubtedly, that the Woyane regime’s largest victims are Oromos. And since majority of the economy, military, and government is controlled by Tigrians, naturally Tigrians have become the mortal enemies of Oromos. While you squandered years and years trying to make enemies between Oromos and Amharu people by conjuring up long past events, you have in real time robbed, murdered, and jailed so many Oromos that almost every family is touched one way of the other. So, with the Oromos, you have no friends.
Let’s consider, as you suggested, the Somalis. Genocide Watch has officially declared that the Woyane regime is conducting genocide in Ogaden. That’s for you doubters. Ask any Ogadenian. He or she, at best, will tell you that Tigrians are destroying the Somalis. Amharus have voided being part of this shenanigan so much that the Somalis have long blamed Tigrians for what is happening in Ogaden AND in Somalia proper. The fact that you have divided the country along ethnic lines and the fact that Tigrians have chosen to greedily hog power has worked out against you: The blame is now squarely on Tigrians.
Of course what about the other ethnic groups? I will mention what you did to the Anuaks. Enough said.
The best thing about all this is that, still, the Amharas have by and large chosen to stay away from these shenanigans. I am grateful for that. I personally want to see this play out the way it is. I don’t think most Amharus care if Ethiopia exists anymore or not. In fact, I believe most Amharus would vote for a disbanded Ethiopia (keeping our flag) as it will more likely benefit us. It is ironic that you don’t see how far you have destroyed the Ethiopia ideal. We have all the resources to sustain ourselves. We have the manpower, political skills, and natural resources to hold our own. It has come down to survival.
[all the credit goes to: the person who wrote this awesome reply on]

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