
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tigay has there options for its survival

I pumped my head on the net and the following text caught my attention and finally decide to post it here for readers.( I would also like to remind my readers that all the credit goes to a person by the nick Halafi Mengedi
I was reading on about Eritrea was attacked by Ethiopia across Zalambesa border recently and all Ethiopian do not like to defend Ethiopia alongside with Tigrayans and they want Issayass to stay in power for their own long term agenda. The reason is Shaebia is recruiting, training and arming some Amharu to topple EPRDF and replace some of his dogs in Addis Ababa and résumé his looting the country with out any challenge from any ethnic from Ethiopia. The second reason is if shaebia dismantled by Woyane leadership, Tigray will materialized long held dream of Abay Tigray by uniting the two highlanders, Kunama, Irob and Afar and Tigray will be super power in Ethiopia and no one will challenge them in the future and the power will be in their hand for long, long time to come. The bottom line is the unity of Tigray and Eritrea is the nightmare of Amhara and the survival of Amhara language, culture and the region they are occupying right now.
In my opinion, the first thing Tigrayans should do is separate Tigrayans from Meles and Sebhat families business. To do that some Tegaru should ask Meles to step down from the head of Woyane and invite all Tigrayans especially all the fighters ex and current members from all over the world including Giday Zerhatsiyon, Aregawi Berhe, Gebru Asrat and Seye Abraha groups and new generation of educated Tegaru and representatives from each Awraja and have reconciliation, open and candid discussion what went wrong and what went right in previous years. Elect new central committees and politburo who are trust worthy and nationalist enough to rally and galvanize our society to implement what ever the new vision for the future of Tigray they come up.
Tigay has there options for its survival:
  1. To stay with Ethiopia union as member of federal Government
  2. To form its own independent state
  3. To unite with its people of Eritrea
1. If Tigray stays with Ethiopia union, Tegaru must abolish Amharic language in all ethnic groups expec Amhara region. The reason is Amharic language is the only card they have they can use it as broadband to control the rest of ethnics when appropriate time comes. So long Amharic remains as national language every ethnic will bow to them in order to get Federal jobs and every ethnic will end up the way used to be prior Woyane arrival in Addis Ababa. Let the next generation of Ethiopians learn English and communicate in English as Federal means of communication and English language will expedite our integration and unify us all with out feeling guilty since English is not anyone’s language in the country and will not create superiority or inferiority among different ethnics. Also having English language as national, Somalia and Djibouti can join us and the Eritrean resistance to Amharic language will diminish and will create harmony in all Horn Africa. The last important Woyane should do is create AGEW region with the current Amhara state. They are the majority and will diminish the power of Amharu in the future if we can manage to separate between Amhara and Agew,. Woyane should have done it 18 years ago, when Tigray gave its Agew people to join with their fellow Agew Amhara.
2. If Tigray wants to form its own independent in the future, Woyane should have done a lot of work to prepare our people and improve all the infrastructures, the different economic sectors and strengthen our military and construct military bases and facilities during the last 18 years. Still they can put smart and educated people at key positions in Tigray and let them implement all the necessary preparations as soon as possible.

3. If Tigray wants to bring back its people of Eritrea, then woyane has to find a way to dismantle Shaebia who is working day and night to destroy Eritrea and Tigray all together. The Ethiopian Government has to arm and give full support to various ethnic of Eritrea like Kunama, Saho and Afar and some of the friendly highlanders to topple Issayas first and stabilize the area and unite Afar, Kunama and Saho with their fellow in ethnic in Tigray. To resolve the complex of Eritrean politics and different interests, Woyane/Ethiopia has to show both stick and carrot in its campaign effort.
Tigray needs to recruit new generation of solders to replace our aging heroes as soon as possible. If we are strong in military, our poeple will survive, otherwise they are so many groupsare working to dismatle us and take back our lands.
In my opinion, Tigray does not need more than one party at this time when our people are facing so many enemies and poverty. Tegaru need reconciliations not creating parties.
 by Halafi Mengedi

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